Studing in America

After my reflection period, I had to go back to university. Over there I started creating and coordinating a "Martial Arts Group". We made several exhibitions and shows in Spain, the best of all was the one we did in Murcia Sports Centre in front of 2000 people.


A few months later and after many English tests, exams and paperwork Valencia University granted me a scholarship to go to the USA... I was selected to study one semester in America!! I couldn’t believe it!  

Many students every year presented their application and very few were chosen to receive the top scholarships… and I was one of those who were selected!! It was great, another one of my goals achieved! I couldn´t wait to go the States!

My days at Rutgers University were great! Every day something unexpected happened, a new experience, new people to meet, new problems to face, new adventures to live, new friends to talk ... My time there was a process of continuous self discovery ... Despite of all this, I would lie if I ´d said that I never felt alone… Many times -especially during the early days- it was quite hard ... but I can honestly say that in the end the good experiences really surpassed the difficult ones. 

My time in Rutgers really made me grow both as a person and professionally. Keep on reading.

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