University ends... Real life starts

My last years in college were interesting but not as much as at the first ones... I feel I could be writing about this for years… maybe another day...  

After having decided what I really wanted to do in life, I lost most of my interest in my University classes. Even though I got to learn a lot about sports, in most classes I didn´t feel I wanted to know more about whatever the teacher was talking about…

As you know, after my American adventure I decided to direct and star on my own productions. 
The amount time I spent on my studies -as well as my interest in college- was progressively decreasing... However, fortunately for me, my grades didn´t drop as much as my interest and I was able to maintain my GPA almost as high as in the previous years.

The truth is that it has never been difficult for me to get good grades ... in fact I think the secret is not to study until your head explodes or threatening your professor with a bazooka, the only thing you have to do is... Well, I think I am boring you with so much University stuff, am I not?... Anyway, 7 months after my Graduation Ceremony, I received a letter from my University informing me that I was going to be granted the "Award to the Outstanding Graduate of the Year". I was so happy when I read it! We were 120 in my class, and I was one of the three students selected to receive this prize! It was a very very happy day for me.

Receiving this price was an extra motivation for me to keep on chasing my goals, but now I want more. I hope… no! I am sure I will achieve even more things in the future. I will keep on showing my Martial Arts and creating exciting and funny Movies to inspire and boost people to live a happier life and create a better society.

Last updated: May 25th, 2013

My intention is to progressively update my bio. I'll be posting more info about my life chasing my goals in the blog section. Hope you like it.

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